Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ruuuuun, Rachael, Runnnn!!!

Well I was recently encouraged by my friend, Karen to get off my lazy bum and start running again--for real. I was so jealous that she had finished a half marathon (not that I have any intention of doing that whatsoever) that I have signed up for a 5k. I know you are all impressed. This is a big deal. I could not be more excited. At this point there are only two things I am really worried about. 1: My good friend Desi will have her baby the day before and I will have to skip the race to be the much needed friend-who-is-already-a-mommy and 2: Perchance #1 does not happen, what am I going to wear? Right now I always run in running shorts and this old beat up tank top from my junior year of high-school that I just love. I was thinking about maybe making a tank top to wear. Like buying one and decorating it with fabric paint. Would that be so cheesey? Maybe. But does that matter to me? Probably not. Then I was thinking about maybe wearing my uniform from high school just to be funny. ha! Not really. I doubt I even fit in it but I do still have it.

By the way, just for kicks I googled my maiden name to see if I could find any old XC history but alas there was none!


stella g. said...

ha ha. me inspire you? how about ALL of the phonecalls back in the day where an 8 mile run for you before school was normal and i was sitting on my butt in CA. ha! good job with the 5K! can't wait to see pictures. i say run in whatever you want. just remember the Vaseline between the legs. :)

stella g. said...

wow - and it's soon, too! good luck!